Electronic winter fishing rod «Luck-4»
Electronic winter fishing rod «Luck-4»
Electronic winter fishing rod «Luck-4» Electronic winter fishing rod «Luck-4» Electronic winter fishing rod «Luck-4» Electronic winter fishing rod «Luck-4» Electronic winter fishing rod «Luck-4» Electronic winter fishing rod «Luck-4» Electronic winter fishing rod «Luck-4»

Electronic winter fishing rod «Luck-4»

  • Product Code: Удача-4
  • Availability:
    В наличии
  • 6,960 ₽

Multipurpose electronic winter rod "Luck-4".

The main differences from the previous Luck-3 model:


In "Good luck-4" the LED display to which the symbols and figures designating are brought is installed:

1) operating mode of a rod and its parameters;                  

2) frequency of fluctuations of a shestik;                                    

3) level of sensitivity of a signaling device of a bite.

On the display it is possible to see values of additional options:

1) depth of immersion of a mormyshka;                               

2) tension of batteries;                               

3) air temperature;                        

It is possible to adjust: type, loudness and frequency of a sound signal, display luminescence brightness.

The possibility of installation of a scaffold without removal of the coil is provided.

The listed options help at control of a rod, can be useful and facilitate winter fishing.

Technical specification.

Technical capabilities of a winter rod "Good luck-4" allow to make the automatic fluctuations of a shestik with a frequency and stops regulated in manual and according to programs; work as a bite signaling device; measurements of depth; air temperatures; tension of the established batteries.

Operating modes of a rod and its functionality are presented in the table.

For inclusion of a rod it is necessary to press at the same time the "+" and "-" buttons and to release them after inclusion. At inclusion the sound signal is developed and on the display the symbol of the mode or function which used before switching off last time will be displayed. For switching off of a rod it is necessary to press at the same time the "+" and "-" buttons and to release them after switching off. At switching off the sound signal will sound, on the display the symbol X will be designated. If the rod was forgotten to be switched off, then in two hours shutdown will happen independently.

Installation of the main mode or support function is made by the button "P". Change of parameters of work in the chosen mode is made by the "+" and "-" buttons. On the display the symbols corresponding to the modes, functions and parameters are displayed.

By the pressing and deduction of the button "P", are serially brought to the display: the symbol of the mode or function in which works a rod, then the About symbol - work stops in this mode, further symbols of the modes in the order specified in the table. The releasing of this button at a conclusion to the symbol display, means inclusion of this mode or function.

The choice of size of parameter is made by a releasing of the "+" or "-" button at the time of indication of value of parameter. At achievement of boundary value of parameter the constant sound signal is developed.


Name of the mode


The description of work in the mode

Modes of manual adjustment

Continuous fluctuations


Fluctuations of a shestik with a frequency from 20 to 0,2 Hz (from 1200 to 12 fluctuations a minute) at one of 22 adjusted frequencies are made. At control the frequency of fluctuations in Hz is displayed on the display.

Light-sound signaling device of a bite.


Fluctuations are absent, indication of a bite by a faltering sound signal and a blinking of a light point on the display is made.

One of 8 levels of sensitivity is established by the "+" and "-" buttons. Figures show in how many time sensitivity decreases. Correspond to the highest sensitivity figure 00.

Fluctuations with stops


Fluctuations of a shestik alternate with stops.

Frequency of fluctuations is established in the mode K. During a stop of fluctuations, the bite signaling device works with the sensitivity established in the mode C.

"|" - a symbol of change of time of fluctuations.

"_" - a symbol of change of time of a stop.

These symbols are brought to the display by pressing and a releasing of the + button (| symbol) or "-" (_ symbol) during display of a letter P.

Time of fluctuations and stops changes by means of the "+" and "-" buttons in the range from 2 sec. up to 1 min. with a step of 1 sec. Time is displayed on the display.

Automatic (program) modes

Program No. 1



Automatic change of frequency of fluctuations and time of a stop according to the appropriate program.


Program No. 2


Program No. 3


Program No. 4


Program No. 5


Support functions

Measurement of depth


Before the first measurement, in the mode Г, simultaneous pressing of buttons "P" and "-", the initial point of counting (0.0) which remains in memory of a rod and, in case of change of distance between a water surface and the case of a rod is established, is established again. Value of depth is brought to the display when pressing the "+" or "-" button. The result is highlighted by two figures and points. The quantity of points in the top part of the screen corresponds to the number of tens of meters, the point in the lower part - divides the tenth shares of meter. The maximum measurement of depth - 50 meters. Measurement error ± 5 cm.

Measurement of temperature


By pressing the "+" or "-" button the display air temperature is removed. At a temperature from -9 °C to +9 °C temperature is represented with a sign. Limit of measurements ± 40 °C. Measurement error ± 2 °C.

Installation/removal of automatic switching off when cutting


By pressing the + button function of automatic switching off of a rod when cutting is established and the A1 symbol is brought to the display. When pressing the - button - this function is turned off, and the A0 symbol is brought to the display.

Installation like a sound signal


By pressing the "+" or "-" button the display number is output and sounds, to it corresponding, one of three types of signals of a bite.

Installation of frequency of sound signals.


By pressing the "+" or "-" button the display value of one of nine frequencies of a sound signal of a rod is removed, and sounds, to corresponding, a signal.

Loudness of sounding of sound signals


By pressing the "+" or "-" button the display value of one of five levels of loudness is removed and the corresponding sound signal is shown.

Voltage measurement of the battery in volts


By pressing the "+" or "-" button the display battery tension in volts is removed.

Installation of brightness of a luminescence of the display


By pressing the "+" or "-" button on the display number of one of two levels of brightness is displayed and the corresponding luminescence of the display is shown.


The design of a rod allows to make replacement of batteries. Replacement of batteries needs to be made when at voltage measurement in the indication mode B on the display it is less than 5B. For replacement of batteries it is necessary to unscrew four screws which the lower part of the case of a rod fastens. Then to remove the lower part of the case and to unscrew six screws of fastening of a cover of a battery compartment, to uncover a battery compartment and to replace batteries. In a rod two CR2025 batteries are used. When replacing batteries it is necessary to observe polarity of connection of batteries and not to delete moisture protective lubricant.

For convenience of transportation in a rod the folding leg, a rod shestik removable is built in, the possibility of installation of a scaffold without removal of the coil is provided.


Service conditions: from - 40C to +65 °C.

Rod weight in collecting (with a shestik): 50 grams.

Overall dimensions (without shestik): 80х60х25 mm.

The case is moisture resistant.

Delivery set.

electronic rod "Good luck-4" of 1 piece.

shestik of 1 piece.

cover of 1 piece.

the description with the warranty card of 1 piece.     

Guarantee conditions.

- the warranty period is estimated from the date of sale of a product and is equal to 12 (twelve) months.

Guarantee certificates are removed in a case:

- openings of the case during the guarantee period;

- mechanical damages;

- the damages caused by hit in a product of foreign objects, substances, liquids.

The producer reserves the right to change color, the drawing of painting of a product without changing the announced specifications.

To download the instruction for replacement of batteries

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Reviews (11)


Пользовался год. И зимой и летом с лодки. Гарантия качества. Даже если у кого глухозимье то одну но в поймаешь. Есть небольшие недочёты с катушкой при смативании иногда выскакивает. Но это ерунда. Советую брать и знакомым советую.


Забыл добавить рыбачу и зимой и летом на зимнюю удочку. И летом надеюсь она покажет себя удочка.


Очень хорошие люди. Магазин супер. Вежливые. Удочка очень понравилась. И по горантии сделали глубиномер. Буду советовать вас всем. Очень доволен вами. Редко найдеш таких вежливых продавцов.

Админ: для Бориса

Здравствуйте, Борис. Большое спасибо за отзыв. Вопрос с глубиномером нужно решать. Хлыстик надо вставлять в держатель до упора, тогда не будет вылетать. Если Ваша удочка на гарантийном обслуживании, высылайте её нам, отремонтируем. Все расходы за наш счёт.


Удочка хорошая. А вот хлыстик плоский который с ней идёт, это ужас. При подсечке постоянно вылетает. И глубиномер не работает. Удочкой доволен. Хлыстик доделаю. А вот глубиномер обидно, что не работает.


Люблю всякие диковинки, купил и эту удочку. Пробовал на озере ловить плотву, на водохранилище - леща, на реке - окуня. Всё хорошо, всё ловится, но трофеев не было, т.к. амплитуда маловата. Поэтому ставлю 3.


Испытания прошли успешно. Окуня ловит отлично. Батарейки на морозе держит хорошо.


Великолепное удилище, рекомендую. Удалось опробовать пока только летом с лодки в отвес, но результаты не заставили себя ждать. Думаю, что зимой она проявит себя во всей своей красе.

Владимир Стружко

Занимаюсь зимней рыбалкой очень давно и никогда не прибегал ко всяким этаким штучкам. Товарищ мне показал её года два назад и я конечно только посмеялся, но прошлой зимой он обходил меня в количестве в разы и я конечно приобрёл и себе эту диковинку. Скажу так, так чётко поддерживать одинаковую частоту и амплитуду ни один человек не сможет, а это самое главное при ловле на безмотылку. Успел половить на неё в Марте. Мне очень понравилась и задумка разработчиков и сама удочка.


Очень интересно. Видел на озере у одного рыбачка, ловил на чёртика. И скажу не плохо у него получалось. Купил себе, буду пробовать по первому льду.


Очень понравился девайс. Пробовал на 5 метров ловить, получается не плохо. Посмотрю ка на 15 метров будет заманивать рыбу. Класс.