Delivery by CDEK transport company (in Russia):
Delivery time 2-7 days (depending on region). You can pay for the order online in the online store or upon receipt at the CDEK shopping mall. The buyer pays for the services of the shopping mall for the delivery of goods, separately, upon receipt of the goods at the rates of the transport company. When ordering over 10,000 rubles, delivery is FREE (throughout the territory of the Russian Federation). You can also specify the closest CDEK parcel pick-up point to you by entering it in the field “Comment”


Delivery by Russian post (in Russia):
Delivery time is 3-14 days (depending on the region). You can pay for the order online in the online store or upon receipt at the post office. The cost of delivery, regardless of the destination - 400 rubles, plus a commission for the transfer of funds from the value of the order. When ordering over 10,000 rubles, delivery is FREE (throughout the territory of the Russian Federation). Shipping is first class. When ordering, be sure to indicate: - the recipient's postal code, - the recipient's exact address, - the recipient's full name, - phone number, - e-mail address (MANDATORY), because. a link to pay for the order will be sent to it.


Courier delivery in Moscow:
Delivery cost - 400 rubles. You can pay for the order online in the online store or in cash upon receipt. When ordering over 10,000 rubles, delivery is FREE. The cost of delivery outside the Moscow Ring Road is negotiated separately with our phone managers: +7 (929) 921-66-20 or +7 (929) 921-53-06.


The date and time of self-pickup is negotiated in advance, with the manager by phone. You can pay for the order online in the online store or in cash upon receipt. Moscow region, Fryazino, Okruzhnoy proezd, house 12. On any working day from 10.00 to 18.00.

ATTENTION buyers! When ordering and delivering our products to countries of near and far abroad, the cost of sending is negotiated with the manager by phone or in e-mail.
When placing an order each customer can receive an additional discount 10%.
According to paragraph 6 of the User Agreement of our store, buyers who arrange  cash on delivery, in case of refusal to receive the delivered goods, are limited in the right to further purchases of our products.