Winter rod "Snail-3"
Winter rod "Snail-3"
Winter rod "Snail-3" Winter rod "Snail-3" Winter rod "Snail-3" Winter rod "Snail-3" Winter rod "Snail-3" Winter rod "Snail-3" Winter rod "Snail-3"

Winter rod "Snail-3"

  • Product Code: Улитка-3
  • Availability:
    В наличии
  • 550 ₽

Winter rod "Snail-3"

The closed coil, additional side winding, the rotary mechanism of a shestik, the built-in folding antitippers.

Two neodymium magnets which are the friend opposite to the friend are built in the coil and the case of a rod, but at the same time between them there is a gap which is a magnetic axis. To record rotation of the coil, the clamp is provided.

Thanks to exact calibration at installation of magnets, the arisen magnetic axis allows to rotate freely to the coil, and magnetic forces extinguish inertia at rotation and the coil stops right after the termination of the movement of a scaffold. It allows to exclude formation of loops and overlaps.

Magnetic forces evenly press the coil to a seat that provides smooth rotation.

In case the coil when winding by mistake is rotated to the opposite side, the loop which easily without removal of the coil can be removed can be formed, having pulled for a scaffold which will slip between two magnets without formation of a loop.

At a bite of large fish, magnetic forces work as a friction clutch, stopping the coil and not allowing to be unwound freely to a scaffold at strong breakthroughs. Holding a rod, a hand it is possible to fix force of pressing of the coil and thus to provide the necessary tension of a scaffold.

Magnetic forces reliably fix the coil in a seat, but at the same time the coil easily, one movement is removed in case of need replacements.

Weight - the 20th gr.

Length - 90 mm

Width - 45 mm

Thickness - 10 mm

It is used at stationary catching on a standing nod or a float.

The spread-out antitippers are stuck during dense snow or sludge ice and provide deduction of a rod on the edge of a hole at a strong wind or bites of large fish.

Folding antitippers are easily and reliably fixed upon transition from a hole to a hole.

The rotary mechanism allows to establish a tackle on the necessary depth, lifting or lowering a shestik on a corner to 65 °.

The form of a rod allows to cut quickly fish at a bite. The open form of the coil provides protection against hit of a scaffold on an axis of rotation of the coil.

The producer reserves the right to change color, the drawing of painting of a product without changing the announced specifications.

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Reviews (3)


Удочку получил, спасибо!Есть небольшие шероховатости на шестике ,но это легко устраняется с помощью мелкой наждачной бумаги.С магнитами всё хорошо.


Пришли удочки быстро. Ну сразу о ваших косяках , Стопор стоит пластиковый на 2 стороны о магните нет и речи который у вас на фото . Во вторых корпус самой удочки как будто только что из под пресса грани острые , леска будит цепляться, но это можно устранить напильником. Ну и в третьих ручка на катушки это 2 кусочка какой-то трубки на болтике. Не у всех с собой отвёртка тем более такая мелкая. После полевых испытаний дополню.

Администратор: для Алексея Лукина

О магнитах не может быть и речи. Возможно к Вам попала не притёртая катушка, это можно устранить смазав катушку, один раз, любым маслом и со временем она притрётся сама. Катушка рассчитана на объём лески 70 метров диаметром 0,12 мм. Электронный Журавлик рассчитан на применение мормышек от 0,1 до 2 гр. Данная конструкция балансировки многократно проверена на зимних рыбалках и хорошо себя зарекомендовала, по многочисленным отзывам рыболовов.